Hello human.
This is the official Cortex Implant logfile for the artist "Revengeday" who has made music for notebooksbillger (nbb), Arch Linux Conf Online 2020, Ubisoft, CDPR, THQ Nordic, Peugeot, and some more.
The artist is known for his dystopian songs which are accompanied by deep basses and atmospheric low tones. He became known for his hard drum and bass tracks which are in the sub-genre of neurofunk.
For more information about this artist read the Biography and Discrography log.
Please note: The Cortex protocol monitors every step you take in this log file. If you violate the Cortex protocol, your Cortex Implant Mark-2 will be disabled.
Last release
On 2024-04-30 the Single CYBERDECK was released.
Follow me
I'm on the following sites if you don't want to miss any news about my music.